what we do

In business for 20 + years

We facilitate growth and change for our clients by providing professional therapeutic and educational counseling services in a caring, healthy, safe, and compassionate environment.

Our goal is to assist our clients in effectively navigating their way through the “system” through screening, counseling, education, and up-to-date information. To make the job easier for the referring agency by giving them exactly what they need in a timely fashion.


Getting you back on the road!

DUI Services

DUI Screenings

  • We are State-licensed to provide DUI Screenings for the MVD and for the Courts.
  • This DUI screening satisfies the AZ MVD’s requirement for an alcohol or other drug screening.
  • A DUI screening is required for a driver charged with a DUI, to obtain a restricted license, or to have their suspended license reinstated.
  • The Screening also satisfies  the Court’s requirement for a DUI screening upon conviction of a DUI

MVD DUI Evaluations

  • We provide evaluations for a driver whose license has been revoked by the AZ MVD due to a DUI (MVD Revocation Investigation Packet). This MVD DUI evaluation, by a licensed substance abuse counselor, is required in order to have a revoked driver’s license re-instated.

Other Screenings, Evaluations and Assessments

  • We provide screenings, evaluations and assessments required by various Courts, Probation, Employers, ADOT, Professional associations, etc.
  • We will conduct the evaluation and make recommendations, referrals and provide the necessary documentation to the client and applicable agencies or organizations.

Level 2 Substance Abuse Education (8 - 16 Hours)

  • This class satisfies the Arizona Level 2 DUI requirements, minor offenses (Mnor In Possesions, Minor In Consumption), and other alcohol/drug related offenses.
  • This class will potentially reduce the time you are required to have the Interlock device in your vehicle.

We provide useful information on:

    • Arizona laws
    • Addiction vs abuse and misuse
    • Affects on health and family
    • What is tolerance, blackouts, withdrawals
    • Symptoms vs hangover
    • Treatment vs support
    • Legal and social consequences

Level 2 Drug Education (8 - 16 Hours)

  • This class is for any client who has been arrested for drug related charges such as DUI under influence of drugs, possession of drugs or paraphernalia, sales, manufacturing or other convictions where the defendant tests positive for drugs, or has drug abuse issues.
  • Clients required to complete 8 hours of Drug Education may attend Day 1.

Drug-related topics that will be covered:

    • Legal consequences
    • Effects of drugs on driving
    • Physiological, Psychological & Social effects of drugs
    • Signs and symptoms of abuse
    • Cross-addiction
    • Stages of abuse & dependence
    • Self-assessment
    • Understanding & recognizing triggers
    • Withdrawal Symptoms
    • Treatment approaches & interventions
    • Relapse Prevention
    • Alternatives to impaired driving
    • Effects of drugs on the brain & body
    • Denial & Defense Mechanisms
    • Effect on family
    • Stages of Change
    • Recovery

Treatment Programs

Level 1 Substance Abuse Outpatient Treatment (36 - 56 Hours)

  • Designed especially for clients with alcohol and drug related offenses and consists of weekly group counseling and will most often include Level 2 Education 16 hour classes focusing on substance abuse.
  • The program consists of 10 – 20 interactive group counseling sessions and includes an intake session at which time a client’s needs are assessed and a treatment plan is developed to meet their needs.

Level 1 Substance Abuse Intensive outpatient Treatment (56 - 100+ Hours)

  • Designed especially for clients with multiple of high BAC level DUI’s and other alcohol related offenses who may show a high probability of substance abuse.
  • Meets twice a week
  • Provides group counseling with an emphasis on recovery, self-knowledge, relapse prevention and support group involvement.
  • Includes 16 hour Level 2 Education class.
  • This program is designed to provide clients with:
    • Stress reduction techniques
    • Development of personal program for balanced living
    • Exploration of emotional impact of alcohol and drug use on relationships and attitude
    • How life traumas affect alcohol and drug abuse
    • Encouragement to get involved with community resources

Level 1 Drug Group / Treatment (10 - 30 sessions)

  • Designed especially for clients with drug related offenses (for example: Drug DUI, possessions, sales, paraphernalia, manufacturing).
  • Meets once per week or IOP (Intensive Outpatient) meets twice per week.
  • Drug testing is part of the program, either through our agency or probation.
  • Case management and continued monitoring and liaison with referral sources.
  • Meets Arizona requirements for Drug DUI when 16 hour Level 2 Education class is included.

Relapse Prevention / Aftercare (10 session minimum)

  • The Relapse Prevention/Aftercare program was designed for those clients:
    • At serious risk for relapse
    • Who have relapsed in the past
    • Who have previously completed treatment
    • Who need additional support in recovery
    • Who are committed to a sober lifestyle
  • The program meets the Arizona requirements for DUI when the 16 hour Level 2 Education class is included.
  • The mission of the program is to discover and explore the strengths of the client and help him or her build a healthy, productive and successful lifestyle.
  • Some of the topics that are covered include:
    • Understanding addictions and exploring life patterns
    • Coping skills for everyday stressors
    • Stress management and stress-induced growth
    • Identifying high-risk situations
    • Developing a support network
    • Development of a personal relapse prevention plan
    • Goal setting
    • Financial planning
    • Grief and loss
    • Conflict resolution

Domestic Violence Groups

  • This program is a State-licensed cognitive-behavioral, psycho-educational class based on the Duluth Model Which has been adapted to include the latest research and also some supporting skills to assist participants to rethink their beliefs and behaviors in family/intimate relationships.
  • We provide structured groups to assist clients in developing skills and re-thinking their beliefs and behaviors in family and intimate relationships.
  • The domestic Violence program is designed to provide information that will help clients:
    • Stop violent controlling behavior
    • accept personal responsibility for abusive behavior
    • commit to change
    • Understand the factors in the violence cycle
    • Provide ideas that will help the mastering of new behaviors
  • This program is a 26 weekly session model treatment program capable of expanding to 52 weekly sessions.

Domestic Violence / Substance Abuse Groups

This group uses a curriculum similar to that of our traditional DVIP, but will also explore the relationship between domestic violence and substance abuse. The main goals for the Domestic Violence/Substance Abuse (DV/SA) Group are:

  • Include substance-related issues in treatment planning and goal-setting. Clients in this group will include personalized substance-related goals in their treatment planning. Short-term goals will include sobriety for the duration of their program. Clients will set long-term goals for ongoing sobriety or responsible substance use.
  • Self-assessment of substance-abuse. Clients will participate in an initial and, with further education, ongoing self-assessment of their substance abuse and examine the role substances play in their power & control and violence & abuse issues.
  • Education on alcohol and other substances. Clients will receive substance and substance abuse education, with special emphasis on how substances affect judgment and reasoning and its affect on violent behaviors. Clients will personalize the education and examine the role & cost of their substance use.
  • Accountability for change – relapse prevention and commitment to lasting change. Clients will be required to present a relapse prevention (or responsible use plan) in order to successfully complete their program.

Domestic Violence / Substance Abuse XL (accelerated) Groups

We now offer an accelerated (XL) DV/SA group (twice a week) at our Mesa/Gilbert, Tempe and North Phoenix offices. (26 session minimum)

Women's Domestic Violence Intervention Program

  • This program is for women only and is a cognitive-behavioral, psycho-educational class based on the Duluth Model which has been adapted to include the latest research and also some supporting skills to assist participants to rethink their beliefs and behaviors in family/intimate relationships.
  • This program is a 26-session model treatment program capable of expanding to 52 weekly sessions.

Anger Management Counseling Groups (6, 12, 18, 24 & 36 wee programs)

  • We have included components from several different models such as the Peace Program, Anger Workout DOC-approved programs, and others to provide our clients with the most up-to-date information and approaches.
  • The Anger Management program is designed to provide clients with:
    • Cognitive/re-formation skills
    • Ability to recognize triggers and anger styles
    • Methods to stop negative thought processes
    • Family, gender, cultural influences
    • Effects of anger on other people
    • Relationship to addiction (relapse)
    • Communication alternative behaviors
    • Problem solving and skill building

Cognitive Based Ethics - Positive Living & Skill Building (1 day clas)

  • This class is set up for someone who has made unhealthy choices (such as shoplifting, property destruction, public mischief, disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, etc.) that have affected their life. Information that will be covered:
    • Values
    • Change
    • Self-esteem
    • Stress
    • Choices
    • Communication
    • Responsibility
    • Integrity
    • How alcohol and drugs affect your life choices
  • This class is based upon two very simple ideas:
    • First, you got to where you are today because of choices and behaviors that do not work effectively for you anymore.
    • Secondly, the only way for you to achieve a positive change in your life is to develop thoughts and skills to make healthy choices that lead to behaviors that will work for you. It is cognitive based with other innovative presentations.
  • This class is an opportunity to learn new options, which may prove highly effective in your life. We are here to assist and guide you through this process.

Cognitive Restructuring 8 Week Program (8 sessions)

DLC’s Cognitive Restructuring Program uses evidenced-based techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma informed care, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to address the following topics:

  • Understanding Automatic Negative thoughts and applying Ellis’ ABCD Model (CBT)
  • Values and feelings Identification and Response/Behaviors (DBT)
  • Neurophysiology of Trauma (trauma informed care)
  • Understanding the impact of past experiences on present day thinking (trauma informed care and CBT)
  • Restructuring a client’s inner dialogue (CBT)

This program is ideal for the following clients:

  • Clients who are repeat offenders;
  • Have multiple offenses;
  • Clients who display repetitive faulty patterns in thinking (i.e. “all or nothing,” never ending patterns of defeat, magnifying or minimizing situations); and
  • Clients whose thought processes prevent them from making positive changes in their lives.

Other Services


                                        Central Phoenix Office

1515 E. Osborn Rd.
Suite 101

Phoenix, AZ 85014

Mesa/Gilbert office

1555 S. Gilbert Road

Suite 103

Mesa, AZ 85204

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